The Book

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 It took over five years of training, failed attempts, heartache, relentless effort, research, testing and refinement to get two ordinary riders good enough to break a tandem cycling record and become elite ultra-distance cyclists. The thought of someone else having to go through the same meant we needed to find a way to share the lessons learnt – of which there were many. Ultra-distance events are among some of the greatest challenges a cyclist can face, with riders spending hundreds of miles in the saddle over a 24-hour period or longer, battling the elements and overcoming both physical and mental hardships.

Along with my coach Professor Simon Jobson, we set about summarising the lessons into an easily accessible handbook to help those aspiring to ride longer distances achieve their ambitions. As a guiding principle, we adopted Einstein’s philosophy of keeping things as simple as possible – but no simpler. Secondly, that any insight shared should be based on sound scientific research and or experience of ultra-distance racing.

You can buy the book here.

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